Lake Huron Shoreline

Lake Huron awaits and it’s always full of surprises. Sine this is one of the great lakes, the shore changes all the time. On calm days, the water will be smooth like a mirror, while on windy days the waves can get pretty high. In the winter the beach is covered in ice blocks that …

Night Sky

On a clear night, take a look up and you’ll be able to enjoy the magic of the stars. Without the light pollution from the big cities, it’s easy to see the Bid Dipper, Little Dipper and the North Star. Use our star map to find your favorite constellation. If you’re truly lucky, you might …

Comfort & Safety

Comfort To make your stay as comfortable as possible, the Lakehouse is fully stacked with (almost) everything you would expect in your own home. Safety We take your security seriously, which is why we equipped the Lakehouse with many security features that keep you and your guests secure while also providing convenience. The touch keyless …